What’s your story? What has led you to seeking out counselling services? What kind of changes are you willing to make in your life?

What is your responsibility to me as a counsellor? The therapeutic relationship is typically defined by a process of building rapport, creating a space of genuineness, empathy, warmth, a basis for trust and collaboration. While these are all great descriptors of what I, as a counsellor am about, I also would like to point out another dimension of a therapeutic relationship: The intentional process. It will be my responsibility to engage with you to build a base of knowledge, develop a critical curiosity, be compassionate, and respectful of your healing journey.

How do you keep my personal health information safe?

Soulful Conversations Counselling Services utilizes the “Owl Practice” platform. This platform is PHI and PIPEDA compliant and PHIPA approved, provides encryption software to protect all personal information, and has servers located in Canada. This confidential online system organizes client files, client appointments, client notes, any additional relevant documentation for client care, and client contact information.

What is the difference between an intake session and subsequent session?

Intake Session:

Intake sessions are 75 minutes in length to ensure I can get all the information I need to help serve you best. Your first appointment will consist of us discussing the challenges that have brought you to counseling services, your mental health history, and what you want to work on. First order of business will always be protecting the client’s rights; we will review consent forms, confidentiality, electronic communication, limits to this service, and most importantly, the expectations of our work together. It is okay to not know all the answers of what that journey looks like right now.

Subsequent Sessions:

Frequency of sessions are the decision of the client and will depend on the counsellor’s availability. We will work together to come up with a plan that supports your healing needs.

What are your hours?

I am flexible with scheduling and attempt to schedule your session around your schedule as best as possible. Most scheduled sessions take place during evening hours and on weekends.

How do you take payment?

Payment by cash or e-transfer at the time of service.

How long do I need to be in counselling to feel better? You are the expert of your own life. Sessions will be focused on the goals you have outlined and feeling better will depend on many factors. Some of these include outlined goals, how much you are practicing tools given in session, therapeutic relationship, life factors that may be out of your control, etc. Most people say that results are seen after just a few sessions of being heard and feeling connected to themselves and the world around them.