Consistency in life helps keep the desire to change alive, and in that lives hope and meaning.

If you ever find yourself wondering (maybe pleading) for some of the answers to the following:

-Why do I feel this way?

-Why do I feel like I can’t get out of this rut?

-Who am I?

-How can I start to see positive changes in myself and my life?

If you’ve made it this far into the website, you likely have a strong determination for participation in your own change process and to find ways to become a better version of yourself. Counselling is going to help with exactly that. It will help make your goals and inspirations clearer and guide you along the waves to get there equipped with tools to keep sailing along in your life.

Most of the people I work with at Soulful Conversations Counselling Services come to me with some of the following concerns:

Depression and/ or Anxiety: Seeking help with overwhelming self-defeating thoughts, negative thinking patterns, and wishing they could feel an ounce of joy or happiness. Many seeking help for these challenges may feel angry, helpless, overwhelmed with everything on their plate, and irritated.

Body Image and Self- Esteem: Seeking help in finding peace and freedom with themselves and building a healthier relationship with their bodies. Many seeking help with this challenge tend to have a disintegrating relationship with themselves and feel as though they may have lost touch with who they really are. Some may have perfectionist tendencies that lead to stress and burn out.

Communication, Boundaries, and Relationships: Seeking help for their challenging relationships with others. People seeking this help may have trouble in some of their relationships and with the communication and boundaries within them. This can add to overall stress and interfere with their daily routines. This service works with individuals, couples, and groups to guide soulful conversations.

Counselling Approach & Philosophy

Client centered practice is my priority. Each person who contacts Soulful Conversations Counselling Services has diverse needs and goals for counselling. There is not a “one size fits all” approach for diversity. Instead, you will see me draw from practice modalities that have been effective in my clinical work over the years:

*Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the individual who wants to focus on and solve a particular problem. This form of practice takes a close look at how our thinking directly affects our behaviors.

*Strengths, Narrative, and Solutions Practice for the individual, couple, or group that wants to engage more with their stories, the strengths within those, and identify their view of what a successful solution blueprint may look like.